About Us and How We Turned Our Love of Bird Watching Into Something More Than a Hobby...

Our Bird Banding Outdoor OfficeWe love birds and bird watching.

It was my college field ornithology class that really got me excited about birds.

Since college, most of my employment has been bird-related. Up until last year, I was able to work on an avian position nearly full-time year round. 

But then budget cuts came, and well, I went. I still work during the summer doing bird counts, bird banding and vegetation surveys, but from September through May I'm out of work.

But now it's difficult to find a good job through the winter that will allow me to go back to my bird work during the summer months.

I had to find an alternative solution.

I have a B.S. in Environmental Biology andI Hate the Office! Forestry.

Why am I working as a Wildlife Technician for nearly pocket change, you ask?

Because I dread THE OFFICE.

Many people in my field in higher positions spend a lot of time in THE OFFICE.

That's not why I studied wildlife.

I don't want to sit at a desk 8hrs/day.

But field work is seasonal. So either I work at McDonald's or deliver papers during the winter or find an alternative.

"Hey, how did you turn your passion into your business?"

My alternative: Birdwatching-Bliss.com.

I earn passive income by writing about one of my Malochite kingfisherfavorite topics - birds!

I really didn't have a clue about the technical side of building a website, generating traffic, submitting to search engines, etc.

But that's not a problem with SBI! (Site Build It).

Any Hobby, Special Skills and/or Knowledge will do...

All you need to do is bring the passion of a topic you're interested in.

Could be anything - from birds to biking, seafood to seesaws - whatever you know and love.

In my case it was birds.

You simply write content and SBI! takes care of the rest.

If you have some spare time, and knowledge or desire toBird Watching while my website makes money! learn about a particular topic your interested in, then you're halfway there.

If I can do it, you can.

There are plenty of success stories of SBI! owners.

I'm not an easy sell, but I really couldn't find another package so complete or a company that really cares as much as SiteSell.com.

No other company proves success like SBI! does.

If you're like me and want to see the proof, check out SBI!'s Proof of Success here.

Wouldn't You Love the Freedom of Being Your Own Boss by Doing Something you Love?!

You can earn income while doing something you love and take back control of your life like I did.

Here are some examples of SBI websites where people just like yourself turned their hobby into a successful online business.

And if you choose, it can be all passive income. Meaning you don't have to do anything else but create your pages (which I find is fun and rewarding) and then everything else runs on automatic. 

The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy.
- Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)

Click Here To Learn More About Turning Your Passion Into Passive Income

Solo Build It! Solo Build It! Site Build It!

Best regards,

Bird-lover &
Webmaster of Birdwatching-Bliss.com & Pursuer of Financial Freedom :-)

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