Attracting hummingbirds starts with planting flowering plants that will lure them into your backyard gardens.
Northeast & Midwest | |
Abelia | Abelia spp. |
Bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Beautybush | Kolkwitzia amabilis |
Butterfly weed | Asclepias tuberosa |
Cardinal flower | Lobelia cardinalis |
Carolina rhododendron | Rhododendron minus |
Currant | Ribes spp. |
Daylily | Hemerocallis spp. |
Fire pink | Silene virginica |
Flame azalea | Rhododendron calendulaceum |
Flowering quince | Chaenomeles spp. |
Foxglove | Digitalis spp. |
Great blue lobelia | Lobelia siphilitica |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus spp. |
Horsechestnut; buckeye | Aesculus spp. |
Indian pink | Spigelia marilandica |
Lousewort, wood betony | Pedicularis canadensis |
Pinxterbloom azalea | Rhododendron periclymenoides |
Red hot poker | Kniphofia spp. |
Rose campion | Lychnis coronaria |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus |
Veronica | Veronica spp. |
Weigela | Weigela spp. |
Yucca | Yucca spp. |
Attracting Hummingbirds with Regional Plants - Southeast
Southeast | |
Abelia | Abelia spp. |
Beautybush | Kolfcwitzia amabilis |
Bird of paradise bush | Caesalpina spp. |
Butterfly weed | Asclepias tuberosa |
Camellia | Camellia spp. |
Cape fuchsia | Phygelius capensis |
Chaste tree | Vitex agnus-costus |
Chilean glory flower | Eccremocarpus scaber |
Citrus | Citrus spp. |
Cross vine | Bignonia capreolata |
Fire pink | Silene virginica |
Flame azalea | Rhododendron calendulaceum |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus spp. |
Indian pink | Spigelia marilandica |
Jasmine | Josminum spp. |
Lilac | Syringa spp. |
Lobelia | Lobelia spp. |
Mande villa | Mandevilla spp. |
Peruvian Lily | Alstroemeria spp. |
Pineapple guava | Feijoa sellowiana |
Pinxterbloom azalea | Rhododendron periclymenoides |
Red hot poker | Kniphofia spp. |
Rose campion | Lychnis coronaria |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus ofpcinalis |
Veronica | Veronica spp. |
Weigela | Weigela spp. |
Attracting Hummingbirds with Regional Plants - Southwest & California
Southwest & California | |
Aloe | Aloe spp. |
Bird of paradise | Strelitzia reginae |
Bird of paradise bush | Caesalpina spp. |
Blood-red trumpet vine | Distictis buccinatoria |
Bottlebrush | Callistemon spp. |
Bouvardia | Bouvardia spp. |
Cape fuchsia | Phygelius capensis |
Cape honeysuckle | Tecomaria capensis |
Century plant | Agave americana |
Cestrum | Oestrum spp. |
Chilean glory | Eccremocarpus scaber |
Chuparosa | Justicia californica |
Cigar plant | Cuphea ignea |
Citrus | Citrus spp. |
Coral tree | Erythrina spp. |
Crocosmia | Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora |
Desert willow | Chilopsis linearis |
Flame vine | Pyrostegia venusta |
Flowering maple | Abutilon spp. |
Ocotillo | Fouquieria splendens |
Palo verde | Cercidium spp. |
Powder-puff | Calliandra spp. |
Shrimp plant | Justicia brandegeana |
Tree tobacco | Nicotiana glauca |
Winter jasmine | Jasminum nudiflorum |
Attracting Hummingbirds with Regional Plants - Northwest
Northwest | |
Abelia | Abelia spp. |
Beautybush | Kolkwitzia amabilis |
Camellia | Camellia spp. |
Cape fuchsia | Phygelius capensis |
Chaste tree | Vitex agnus-costus |
Currant | Ribes spp. |
Fire pink | Silene virginica |
Flame azalea | Rhododendroncalendulaceum |
Foxglove | Digitalis spp. |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus spp. |
Lavender | Lavandula spp. |
Lobelia | Lobelia spp. |
Montbretia | Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora |
Peruvian lily | Alstroemeria spp. |
Red buckeye | Aesculus pavia |
Red-flowering currant | Ribes sanguineum |
Red hot poker | Kniphofia spp. |
Rose campion | Lychnis coronaria |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus |
Rosebay rhododendron | Rhododendron maximum |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis |
Twinberry | Lonicera involucrata |
Veronica | Veronica spp. |
Weigela | Weigela spp. |
Western azalea | Rhododendron occidentale |
Winter jasmine | Jasminum nudiflorum |
Attracting Hummingbirds with Regional Plants - Coastal
Coastal Areas | |
Acacia | Acacia spp. |
Agave | Agave spp. |
Aloe | Aloe spp. |
Bearberry | Arctostaphylosuva-ursi |
Bottlebrush | Callistemon spp. |
Butterfly bush | Buddleia spp. |
Butterfly weed | Asclepiastuberosa |
California fuchsia | Epilobium canum ssp. canum |
Cape honeysuckle | Tecomaria capensis |
Chaste tree | Vitex agnus-costus |
Coral bells | Heuchera sanguinea |
Daylily | Hemerocallis spp. |
Flowering quince | Chaenomeles spp. |
Horsechestnut | Aesculus spp. |
Lantana | Lantana spp. |
Lavender | Lavandula spp. |
Montbretia | Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora |
Pride of Madeira | Echium candicans |
Red hot poker | Kniphofia spp. |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus syriacus |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis |
Salvia | Salvia spp. |
Texas ranger | Leucophyllum spp. |
Yucca | Yucca spp. |
Enjoy attracting hummingbirds with your regional plants as well as others.
Here is a book any hummingbird enthusiast would love to add to their library.
We highly recommend
The Complete Guide to Attracting, Identifying, and Enjoying Hummingbirds by Donald and Lilian
An excellent comprehensive book about attracting hummingbirds with great photos.
"This is a very useful guide to attracting and caring for these hummingbirds, with great photographs supplementing text that is well-written and filled with wonderful advice and tips about feeders, habitat, gardens, identification and further resources. Sections also detail behavior, photography, babies and feeder problems. Nicely done and very helpful." - Audrey
It is not too difficult to attract hummingbirds to your backyard or feeders. Typically once they find your flowers and/or hummingbird feeder, they will remain. If there are any hummingbirds in your area and you have any of the aforementioned flowers or plants that are brightly colored or a red-colored feeder, they will come.
Favorite Easy-to-Grow Hummingbird Flowers
Hummingbird Garden Plants by type of Growth
Hummingbird Habitat Information
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