Best Rangefinder Binoculars (2025) Review

Below you'll find our best rangefinder binoculars buying guide and review for 2025 in four price ranges for bird watching, hunting, and golfing.

best rangefinder binoculars review

Obviously, a laser rangefinder binocular combo reduces the need for separate devices.

I used to carry both binoculars and rangefinders for bird surveys and certainly appreciated the switch to one device. But....

Don't go cheap!


Given the fact that you are buying one device that acts as two, you don't want to go too cheap in this category, otherwise the optics and/or rangefinding ability will be of low quality and you will be disappointed with its performance.

I wouldn't recommend getting a laser rangefinder binocular that is under $500.

We have divided our reviews into four price ranges:

  • Over $3,000 (Best of the Best)
  • $2,000-$3,000 (Mid-Priced)
  • $1,000-$2,000 and (Best Value)
  • Under $1,000 (Best Budget)

Best of the Best Rangefinder Binoculars (Over $3,000)

Zeiss Victory RF 10x42 Rangefinder Binoculars

zeiss victory rf rangefinder binoculars review

The Zeiss Victory RF also come in 8x42 as well as 8x54 and 10x54, but we like the 10x42 magnification/objective lens combo for a good balance of magnification, field of view, and weight.

The 8x54 and 10x54 are best for low light conditions (especially around sunrise and sunset hours) because the larger objective lens size (54 vs 42) allows more light to enter, but will also be heavier.

The biggest con, aside from the price, about the Zeiss is it's weight, 32.38 ounces. But if weight is not a factor for you, and neither is price, then it's hard to beat the Victory RF.

Zeiss Victory RF Rangefinder Binoculars Features:

  • Ranges to 2,515 yards (2,300 meters)
  • Displays holdover in inches/cm, MOA, MIL and clicks
  • Bluetooth Connectivity synchronizes with cell phone using free Zeiss Hunting App
  • Create up to 9 profiles in the app with custom ballistics input on your phone
  • On-board weather station (temperature and air pressure)
  • Ballistic Information System (BIS II) with Angle Compensated Distance & Holdover

Zeiss Victory RF 10x42 Binoculars Review:

View the Zeiss Victory RF Binoculars

Zeiss Victory at Optics Planet

Zeiss Victory RF - product page at Zeiss.

Best Mid-Priced Rangefinder Binoculars $2,000-$3,000

Leica Geovid 3200.COM

leica geovid rangefinder binoculars review

The Leica Geovid 3200.COM has one of the longest ranges - up to 3,200 yards, even on non-reflective targets in low light conditions and in poor weather conditions, and has enhanced Bluetooth connectivity - so no need for an SD card - all improvements over the 2800.COM model.

Leica Geovid 3200.COM Features:

  • Precise rangefinding up to a true 3,200 yards
  • On board sensors give air pressure, temperature and angle readings
  • 3 output formats: EHR, holdover nad number of clicks
  • Connection to Kestrel Elite wind meter gives the ability to utilize Applied Ballistics solutions out to 3200 yards

Leica Geovid 3200.COM Rangefinder Binocular Review:

View the Leica Geovid 3200.COM

Leica Geovid Rangefinder Binoculars - Leica product page.

Best Value Rangefinder Binoculars ($1,000-$2,000)

Vortex Optics Fury HD 5000 10x42 Rangefinder Binoculars

vortex optics fury hd 5000 rangefinder binoculars review

We feel the Vortex Optics Fury HD 5000 are the best in this price range with its HD glass, 5,000 yard range, and multiple range modes and compensation for angles.

Vortex Optics Fury HD 5000 10x42 Features:

  • Horizontal Component Distance (HCD) mode for angle compensated ranging
  • Advanced LOS mode provides the option to calculate long distance, high angle shots with increased precision
  • Best Mode displays the strongest range result and is intended to be the primary mode.
  • Displays the furthest distance when ranging/panning/scanning. Ideal for ranging targets behind potential obstructive objects in the foreground - like brush, trees and rocks.

Vortex Optics Fury Rangefinder Binoculars Review

View the Vortex Optics Fury HD 5000 10x42 Rangefinder Binoculars

Vortex Optics Fury at Optics Planet

These rangefinder binoculars also have an AB model, Vortex Optics HD 5000 AB - which has the Applied Ballistics onboard solver (BALL). For about $400 more, this model inlcudes bluetooth connectivity for a ballistics app, Kestrel, or Garmin GPS and the ability to create user profiles as well as measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and direction.

Vortex Optics Fury - Vortex product page.

Best Budget Rangefinder Binoculars (Under $1,000)

Bushnell Fusion X 10x42 Rangefinder Binoculars

bushnell fusion x rangefinder binoculars review

The Bushnell Fusion X is one exception to the rule about not going too cheap. If you budget is firmly under $1,000, then your best bet are the Bushnell's.

Bushnell Fusion X Features:

  • HDOS—High-Definition Optical System—provides optimum viewing clarity
  • ActivSyncâ„¢ Display - morphs from black readouts against bright backgrounds to red readouts against dark ones
  • Full one-mile ranging capability, accuracy to +/- one yard, and near/far, bow, and rifle ballistic modes

Bushnell Fusion X Rangefinder Binocular Review:

View the Bushnell Fusion X 10x42 Rangefinder Binoculars

What are rangefinder binoculars?

Rangefinder binoculars are two devices in one - a combination of binoculars to help you locate, view, and magnify objects (wildlife or other) and a rangefinder to measure the distance to the object. Having one combination device to do both eliminates the need to carry two separated devices, reduces the amount of weight you have to carry, and eliminates the need to switch between binoculars and a rangefinder in the field.

How do binocular rangefinders work?

When you press the button and aim at a target, the rangefinder sends out a series of laser beams. The beams reflect off the target, sending it back to the rangefinder, and then a receiver sensor inside, along with the rangefinder's software, calculates the distance based on the time it took to reflect back.

Binoculars vs Rangefinder

Do you need binoculars if you have a rangefinder?

That depends. If you are a treestand hunter, then a quality pair of rangefinders may be all you need. I use both when doing bird surveys. A rangefinder is essentially a monocular with a narrow field of view. I feel that binoculars are essential especially in low light conditions and when moving through landscapes, whether in dense forest or for spotting wildlife in open areas at a distance. That's why rangefinder binoculars are a good option if you don't want to carry both.

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