There seems to be just as many bird feeders available for purchase as there are birds.
Which feeder is the best? Which feeder will attract the most birds? Which feeder is easiet to clean?
Well that all depends upon several factors such as where your feeder will be located, what kind of birds you wish to attract, if there are any predators or pests that can get to your bird feeders, just to name a few.
We have gathered some of the best rated, most liked feeders according to our own favorites as well as from customer reviews on pages specific to the type of bird feeder you would like to get for your backyard, apartment deck or patio, place of work or wherever you would like to have one.
Just follow the links for more information about each feeder type, reviews and places to purchase. We have found that Amazon as well as Duncraft are the best places online to purchase feeders. We especially like Amazon because shipping is usually free.
Some of the types of feeders include tube, platform or tray, window, hopper and specialty feeders such as hummingbird, oriole, bluebird, thistle/Nyjer, mealworm, suet and squirrel proof bird feeders. Some people enjoy decorative feeders or making their own.
View Tube Feeders - Depending on the size of the seed ports and how you configure this type of feeder (with or without perches, tray or no tray attached), you can attract a wide variety of birds with this type of feeder.
View Hopper Feeders - A gravity type feeder where seed is enclosed in a main chamber and bird seed is let out slowly from the bottom into a tray as birds feed.
View Platform Feeders - This type of feeder is the most non-specific type of feeder and will attract many different types of birds, big and small. Platform feeders are one of the easiest bird feeders to clean since you can hose it off outside.
View Window Bird Feeders - People enjoy these types of feeders because it brings the birds up close for viewing. Typically doesn't hold as much seed as other feeder types, but there is one on the market that makes refilling and cleaning easy. There are feeders that are mirrored and in house style which makes them even more enjoyable.
View Oriole Feeders - Attract Orchard, Bullock's, Hooded and Baltimore Orioles to your backyard bird feeder with fruit feeders by offering oranges, nectar and grape jelly.
Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Review & Comparison -For those who have trouble with squirrels stealing bird seed, here is a review of the best squirrel proof bird feeders including Brome Squirrel Buster, Heritage Farms Absolute II, Homestead Super Stop-A-Squirrel and the ever so popular, Droll Yankee Flipper.
View Hummingbird Feeders - Specialty feeders for a sugar solution with tiny feeding ports to attract hummingbirds. You can make your own solution by using this hummingbird food recipe.
Best Cardinal Bird Feeder -Top picks for the best bird feeder for cardinals including platform, hopper, and tube feeders.
View Peanut Bird Feeders - Attract even more bird species by putting out a peanut bird feeder in addition to other feeders.
View Angel Bird Feeders - For those who want a heavenly touch to your backyard bird feeder.
One of the most important responsibilities of feeding birds is keeping the feeder clean and keeping the birds safe from bird diseases and predators. Follow these links for more information. It's your responsibility when providing food for birds.:
Precautions against Disease -Protect birds against Salmonellosis, Aspergillus fungus, Avian Pox and others.
Preventing Bird Window Collisions - Millions of birds are killed by window collisions. Follow these tips to keep birds safe from windows.
Precautions against Cats - Keep cats indoors. They kill millions of birds every year. The Cats Indoors! campaign has some great information for cat owners and info to give to your neighbors if you don't own a cat yourself.
Wild Bird Food - What do Birds Prefer?
Which wild bird seed to use in order to attract the species you desire to your bird feeder.
If you like the idea of homemade bird feeders and would like to build your own feeder, then go to our bird feeder plans page.
Check out this awesome Bird Feeder Cam to take photos and videos at your bird feeders.
There are different types of bird feeders such as tube, hopper, and platform. We like the hopper feeder because it allows a wider variety of birds to perch and feed and can hold a large amount of seed if you have a lot of visiting birds feeding in your backyard.
A bird feeder that you can fill with a variety of seeds will attract the most birds. So a tube or hopper feeder that can be filled with a bird seed mix would be best as opposed to a specialized feeder, such as thistle or sunflower seeds only or cardinal feeders.
Cardinal prefer feeders with a large perching area, such as a hopper or tray feeder. Cardinals prefer sunflower and safflower seeds, cracked corn, peanut pieces, and white proso millet.
If this is your first feeder, place it in an open area that will be highly visible to birds flying by. It's best to hang it from a pole and if predators or squirrels are a problem, attach a baffle. If it rains often, get a feeder with enough overhang to help keep seeds dry.
American Robins don't typically eat from bird feeders.
Photo by Colin Durfeee
Their diet mostly consists of a variety of insects, earthworms, snails, larva, fruit, and occasionally bird seed.
Unlike finches, cardinals, and grosbeaks whose beaks are meant for seed-cracking, robins beaks are more designed for probing and snatching insects or picking off berries and fruit from shrubs and trees.
To attract robins to a backyard bird feeder, you could try a ground feeder and offer food such as dried meal worms, berries, and diced apples.
Do not use a ground feeder, however, if there are often cats and other predators in your backyard that can prey on the birds since they are more vulnerable feeding from the ground.
Especially during migration and winter months, robins will also eat from suet feeders.
Robins will also eat jelly and oranges offered at oriole feeders.
Installing a bird bath will also attract more robins to your backyard.
Our Favorite Bird Watching Binoculars, Squirrel-Proof Feeder & Hummingbird Feeder Read Our Reviews: |
Nikon Monarch M5
Best mid-priced bird watching binoculars. Waterproof, shockproof, multi-coated ED-Glass. |
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Best Hummingbird Feeder
Drip-Free, Ant-moat, Durable, Easy to Fill and Clean. |
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