Bird Watching Site Map

The Bird Watching Site Map lists all the pages within the Bird website.

Bird Watching Binoculars

Choosing Bird Watching Binoculars, Part I

Birding Binoculars Part II

Best Binoculars for Bird Watching

Best Birding Binoculars

Nikon Monarch Binoculars

Nikon Monarch ATB 8x42 Binoculars Review

Nikon Binoculars Repair

Binocular Care

Infrared Binoculars

Jason Binoculars

Mini Binoculars

Zoom Binoculars

Nikon Action Binoculars

Swarovski SLC HD Binoculars Review

Get a Binocular Harness

Bird Watching Spotting Scopes

Best Bird Watching Spotting Scopes

Choosing Spotting Scopes, Part I

Choosing a Spotting Scope Part II

Digiscoping -Photography using spotting scopes

Feeding Birds

Bird Feeder Plans

Free Bird Feeder Plans, Intro

Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Angel Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder Pole

Bird Feeders

Hopper Bird Feeders

Oriole Feeder

Platform Bird Feeder Plans

Platform Bird Feeders

Squirrel Feeder

Squirrel Baffle

Tube Bird Feeders

Best Window Bird Feeders

Free Squirrel Feeder Plans

Precautions against Bird Diseases

Precautions against Bird Window Collisions

Precautions against Cats

Wild Bird Food

Winter Bird Feeding

Bird Baths

Stone Bird Baths

Solar Bird Baths

Winter Bird Bath Heater

Bird Houses

Bird House Plans, Intro

Bird House Dimensions

Making Bird Houses - Construction Tips

Bluebird House Plans

Purple Martin Bird House Plans

Gourd Birdhouses

Bird House Designs

Free Bird House Plans

Winter Bird House Plans

Wooden Bird Houses

Wren House Plans

Robin and Phoebe Bird House Plans

American Kestrel Nest Box Plans

American Kestrels Nest Box Placement


Hummingbirds, General Info

Hummingbird Gifts

Hummingbird Feeders

Attracting Hummingbirds

Hummingbird Flowers

Hummingbird Garden

Hummingbird Food Recipe

Hummingbird Habitat/Flowers

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

Broad-tailed hummingbirds

Hummingbird Migration

Hummingbird References

Bird Pictures/Birds of Prey/Raptors

Birds Pictures

Birds of Prey


American Kestrel

American Kestrel Nest Box Plans

American Kestrels Nest Box Placement

Bald Eagle Pictures/Live Bald Eagle Nest Webcam

Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk Pictures

Coopers Hawk References

Eagle Photos

Eastern Bluebird

Falcon Photos

Golden Eagle Pictures

Hawk photos (Buteos)

Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk Pictures

Northern Goshawk References

Owl Pictures

Raptor Migration

Raptor Migration Sites

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk Identification

Red-tailed Hawk Subspecies

Red-tailed Hawk References

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk References

Bird Biology

Bird Characteristics, Intro

Bird Feathers

Bird Skeleton

Bird Reproduction

Bird Beaks

Bird Flight

Bird Song

Found a Baby Bird?

Found an Injured Bird?

Bird Watching Tips

Bird Identification

Bird Identification questions and answers from visitors:

Bird Watching Tips, Intro

Bird Field Guides

Wild Bird Identification

Bird Watching Ethics

Bird Song Identification

Birding Apps for iPhone

Bird Coloring Pages

Bird Coloring Pages (main page)

Tweety Bird Coloring Pages

National Birds, State Birds and Provincial Birds

50 U.S. State Birds 

Songbird Pictures

50 U.S. State Birds 

Birds of Australia

Birds of Canada

National Birds of the World

Alabama State Bird - Northern Flicker

Alaska State Bird - Willow Ptarmigan

Arizona State Bird - Cactus Wren

Arkansas State Bird - Northern Mockingbird

California State Bird - California Quail

Colorado State Bird - Lark Bunting

Connecticut State Bird - American Robin

Delaware State Bird - Blue Hen Chicken

Florida State Bird - Northern Mockingbird

Georgia State Bird - Brown Thrasher

Hawaii State Bird - Nene (Hawaiian Goose)

Idaho State Bird - Mountain Bluebird

Illinois State Bird - Northern Cardinal

Indiana State Bird - Northern Cardinal

Iowa State Bird - American Goldfinch

Kansas State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Kentucky State Bird - Northern Cardinal

Louisiana State Bird - Brown Pelican

Maine State Bird - Black-capped Chickadee

Maryland State Bird - Baltimore Oriole

Massachusetts State Bird - Black-capped Chickadee

Michigan State Bird - American Robin

Minnesota State Bird - Common Loon

Mississippi State Bird - Northern Mockingbird

Missouri State Bird - Eastern Bluebird

Montana State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Nebraska State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Nevada State Bird - Mountain Bluebird

New Hampshire State Bird - Purple Finch

New Jersey State Bird - American Goldfinch

New Mexico State Bird - Greater Roadrunner

New York State Bird - Eastern Bluebird

North Carolina State Bird - Northern Cardinal

North Dakota State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Ohio State Bird - Northern Cardinal

Oklahoma State Bird - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Oregon State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Pennsylvania State Bird - Ruffed Grouse

Rhode Island State Bird - Rhode Island Red Hen

South Carolina State Bird - Carolina Wren

South Dakota State Bird - Ring-necked Pheasant

Tennessee State Bird - Northern Mockingbird

Texas State Bird - Northern Mockingbird

Utah State Bird - California Gull

Vermont State Bird - Hermit Thrush

Virginia State Bird- Northern Cardinal

Washington State Bird -American Goldfinch

West Virginia State Bird - Northern Cardinal

Wisconsin State Bird - American Robin

Wyoming State Bird - Western Meadowlark

Birding Fun

Funny Bird Videos

Red-capped Manakin Moonwalking Bird

Bird Watching Vacations

Bird Friendly

Bird Friendly Coffee Info

Birdwatching Blog

Our Bird Watching Blog

How We Built This Site

About Us Bird Watching

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Our Favorite
Bird Watching Binoculars, Squirrel-Proof Feeder & Hummingbird Feeder
Read Our Reviews:
nikon monarch binoculars for birdwatching
Nikon Monarch M5
Best mid-priced bird watching binoculars. Waterproof, shockproof, multi-coated ED-Glass.
best squirrel proof bird feeder no batteries required
No batteries, adjustable, easy to clean...and no squirrels!
"Best New Product" Award.
best hummingbird feeders
Best Hummingbird Feeder
Drip-Free, Ant-moat, Durable, Easy to Fill and Clean.
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