Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

black oil sunflower seeds field of growing flowersBlack oil sunflower seeds are a favorite among most seed-eating songbirds and will attract a wide variety of species.

What is the difference between black oil and ordinary striped sunflowers seeds?

Black oil sunflower seeds have a high energy return to expense ratio, having twice the calories per pound than striped.

Because of its smaller size and thin shell, it is easier to open for a wider variety of birds than the larger, thicker-shelled striped sunflower.

So less energy is spent to reap the rewards of a high-fat, energy-packed morsel. An excellent wild bird food choice.

black oil sunflower seeds for bird feeders Morning Song Black Oil Sunflower Seed comes in 5lb, 10lb, 20lb, 25lb and 50lb bags.

Black oil is a little more expensive than your average wild bird seed mix, but it lasts longer because instead of birds kicking out all the seed they don't like (i.e., millet and/or milo) they eat each seed, one-by-one, by cracking them open.

Prices have been fluctuating on bird seed, especially black oil sunflower seed, but Morning Song seems to have a good bargain going on now.

Black Oil Sunflower Seed Feeder

We also like the Stokes Select Sunflower Seed Screen Feeder.

It can hold 6 quarts of black oil or hulled sunflower seeds.

black oil sunflower seed bird feeder whole and hulled

It's easy-to-clean, has drainage holes to help pull moisture away and keep seeds dry and fresh, and has a powder coated weather resistant finish.

easy to clean sunflower seed feeder

View the Sunflower Feeder Here

Black Oil Sunflower Seed Harvest

Where do black oil sunflowers grow and how are they harvested?

Here's a quick look at one farm that produces seed for Brodhecker Birdseed in conjuction with the New Jersey Audubon  S.A.V.E  (Support Agricultural Viability and the Environment) program.

Types of Birds Attracted to Black Oil Sunflower Seed

The birds listed below prefer black oil sunflower seeds over a regular wild bird seed mix or even regular striped sunflower seeds because the black oil seeds are easy to open and very high in calories as well as being nutrient rich:

Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, House Finches, Purple Finches, Cardinals, Towhees, Goldfinches, Rosy-Finches, Redpolls, Pine Siskins, Indigo Buntings, Blackbirds, Woodpeckers, Grosbeaks, Sparrows, Jays

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