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We welcome any suggestions, comments, questions, etc. you may have.

Best way to contact us and also submit bird ID questions:

birdwatching facebookBird Watching Bliss Facebook Page - We regularly check our page for questions.

NOTE: We usually answer questions promptly, but sometimes we're out doing our bird-job field work or simply out enjoying the birds! That's why we love this site (find out more about us and

...So we'll try our best to answer quickly, but please don't get discouraged if it's not immediate - we're just out loving life and the birds!

Privacy Policy: We hate spam! Your email address and any other information you provide will remain confidential and will never be sold or distributed to others.

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Our Favorite
Bird Watching Binoculars, Squirrel-Proof Feeder & Hummingbird Feeder
Read Our Reviews:
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Nikon Monarch M5
Best mid-priced bird watching binoculars. Waterproof, shockproof, multi-coated ED-Glass.
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No batteries, adjustable, easy to clean...and no squirrels!
"Best New Product" Award.
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Best Hummingbird Feeder
Drip-Free, Ant-moat, Durable, Easy to Fill and Clean.
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