Funny Bird Videos

Of all the funny bird videos, our all-time favorite has got to be this one of the Moonwalking Bird, formerly known as the Red-capped Manakin - no trick photography here - it's all the bird!

I know this looks fake, but it's not. They had to use special high-speed cameras to capture the bird's movement and then slow it down for playback. You can read more about it on the Red-capped Manakin link above.

Voted in the U.K. as the favorite Attenborough TV moment, the Lyre Bird is quite an extraordinary mimic. Here you will see it vocalize sounds of a camera, car alarm and chainsaw (unfortunately).

Green Heron uses fly to catch fisherman envy!

There are 42 birds of paradise in New Guinea, each with an impressive repertoire of breeding/territorial displays. Watch these males show-off for potential female mates:

Ornithologist studies ravens and their amazing innate intelligence and ability to make logical connections: 

Here's one of my favorites. I typically don't like fancy, decorative birdhouses, but this is an exception. ;-)

And although animated, it is a funny bird video. Here's the winner for Best Animated Short Film, Piper

Hope you've enjoyed these amazing bird videos. We'll be adding more in the future!

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