Free Robin and Phoebe Bird House Plans for Nest Shelf or Platform

Robin and Phoebe bird house plans

American Robins and Eastern Phoebes often build their nests on ledges.

Below are some relatively easy-to-build robin and phoebe bird house plans for nest shelves so that you can attract these birds to your backyard and enjoy watching the nesting cycle. These also can be used to attract barn swallows as well.

Nest Shelf Plans for Robins, Phoebes and Barn Swallows

Robin, Barn Swallow, Say's and Eastern Phoebe Nest Platform (pdf) This shelf design can be used for robins, phoebes or barn swallows made from one 1"x10"x4' board.

Robin, Phoebe and Barn Swallow Nest Shelf Plans - Same plans as above, but displayed on web page if you cannot open pdf file from link above.

Below is a video of a simple design that would work for either robins or phoebes:

You can also use open platform Phoebe and Robin bird house plans that just consists of the floor with a little border around it along with a piece in the back for attachment.

The open platform can be used under porches, eaves and other shelters.

Robins, phoebes, mourning doves and blue jays may nest on this platform.

Barn swallows, mourning doves, cardinals and blue jays will also use nesting platforms too.

Here is an American Robin in the process of building a nest in a nest ledge box located under the house eave, providing some shade and protection from the weather:

Here are a couple of nice phoebe or robin nesting shelves that can be mounted under the eave of your house, porch roof, garage overhang, barn or other similar structure:

The American Robin is the State Bird of three U.S. States: Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin. For more life history info, go to the American Robin State Bird page.

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