Best Wrap-Around Squirrel Baffle for Protecting Your Bird Feeders and Bird Houses

A squirrel baffle is a useful tool for protecting your bird feeders from squirrel assault and robbery.

best squirrel baffle for bird feeders

When installed properly, they will keep those pesky squirrels from stealing your high quality bird seed meant for the birds, not for the mammals.

It will also prevent squirrels from getting into your bird houses and harming nestlings.

Our Favorite Squirrel Baffle

This 18" squirrel baffle can be easily installed and adjusted on existing feeders without having to remove your bird feeder from the pole or hanger.

from durable, powder-coated steel that will endure outdoor weather abuse.

View the 18" Audubon Wrap-Around Squirrel Baffle best squirrel baffle for bird feeder

Below are well reviewed bird feeder squirrel baffles that actually work.

These are durable, well designed squirrel guards that will keep the squirrels puzzled and frustrated.

Squirrel Proofing Tips for Your Bird Feeders

Squirrels can jump 11 feet down from a tree branch or other structure and can leap 4-7 feet vertically, so do not underestimate when choosing a place for your bird feeder.

If you hang your feeder from a branch or something similar, you will want to install a baffle above the feeder that tilts.

Fruitcake Squirrel Baffle?

best squirrel baffle for bird feeder

Tilting squirrel baffles that are not stationary and move when a squirrel lands on it from above will be the best at deterrence.

Make sure to install your baffle high enough above the ground, at least four feet, out of squirrel-jumping distance.

Squirrels can climb the most slickest poles with ease so if your bird feeder is mounted on a pole, you will need to install a squirrel proof baffle below the feeder on the pole itself.

Cooking oil, vasoline or grease alone will not stop the squirrels. 

For more information about keeping squirrels out of your bird feeders, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has written a great article with squirrel deterrence tips and more about installing a squirrel baffle (pdf file, opens new window).

How to get rid of squirrels or squirrel-proof your feeder? Do not make it easy for them!

More Tips and Info about Squirrel Baffles and Bird Feeders:

Make Your Own Squirrel Baffle - A simple, homemade squirrel guard you can make for cheap.

Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Review & Comparison

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Pole - Includes floating baffle that keeps squirrels from reaching your feeders.

Bird Feeder Pole Favorites - Best bird feeder poles for hanging your feeders and attaching baffles to for a squirrel proof pole.

Free squirrel Feeder Plans - Feed the Squirrels away from your bird feeders as an alternative option to the fight.

Squirrel Feeder - Best squirrel feeders if you do not want to build your own.

Free Bird Feeder Plans

Bird House Hole Squirrel Guard

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