U.S. State Bird of Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin -
American Robin

American Robin

The American Robin is the State Bird of three "Northern" states: Connecticut Michigan and Wisconsin.

The arival of the American Robin is one of the first signs of Spring since it is one of the first birds to return from Wintering areas and is one of the first birds to start singing and nest building.

  • American Ornighologists Union (AOU) Common Name: American Robin
  • Family: Turdidae; Thrushes
  • Scientific name: Turdus migratorius
  • Length: 10" (25 cm)
  • Diet: Insects, earthworms, snails, etc.; much fruit. Young fed insects.
  • Voice: Song a series of low, whistled phrases with liquid quality typical of thrushes; each phrase delivered rather quickly but with long pauses between phrases; often 2 or 3 phrases alternately repeated over and over plurrri, liwi, plurrri, kliwi....Call varies from a low mellow pup or a sharp, clucking, often doubled piik to a sharper, rapid, urgent series kli quiquiquiqui koo; also a lower, softer puk puk puk and a harsh, high, descending shheerr. Flight call al very high, trilled, descending srreel; often combined with other calls such as a srreel puk puk puk. Alarm like other thrushes: a very high, thing tseew or shorter seew.
  • Habitat: Cities, towns, farmland, lawns, shade trees, forests.
  • Displays: Courting groups of males chase female, or male struts around female with tail spread, wings shaking, throat inflated.
  • Number of broods: 2, occasionally 3.
  • Nest: In trees 10-20' above ground; also buildings, other structures offering sufficient support, shrubs, occasionally on ground; unkempt foundation of protruding twigs and grass, cup of mud, lined with fine grass.
  • Eggs: Averages 4 pale blue, occasionally white, usually unmarked, sometimes flecked with brown. 1.1" (28 mm).
  • Incubation period: 12-14 days
  • Fledge: 14-16 days after hatching
  • Longevity Record: 13 Years and 11 months (according to USGS Bird Banding Lab)

Timelapse of American Robin Nesting Season

Watch an American Robin Remove a Parasitic Cowbird Egg

Connecticut Birds

The American Robin was adopted as the official Connecticut State Bird by the General Assembly in 1943.

Michigan Birds

In 1931, the American Robin was chosen the Michigan State Bird. It had been favored by the Michigan Audubon Society. Sponsors called the robin "the best known and best-loved of all the birds in the State of Michigan."

Wisconsin Birds

A welcome sign of the coming spring, the red-breasted robin won the hearts of school children across the state, who voted to name it the official Wisconsin State Bird in 1926-27.

50 State Birds Page

More information about the The American Robin, its life history, song, identification can be found here.

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