The Ultimate Warbler Field Guide
A Must Have!

I have accumulated quite a few bird identification field guides over the years and I thought I had enough. But then came The Warbler Guide by Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle. 

warbler guide bird identification in the field

Most every basic birding field guide will include warblers, but The Warbler Guide takes it to infinity and beyond that both beginner and expert birders will appreciate.

Warblers are especially challenging to ID because they move quickly, are often in dense habitat and they don't sit around to give you that perfect look with your bins.

Sometimes all you see is a flash of color, a wingbar, throat patch, the underside of the tail, sometimes a distinctive behavior, perhaps just a silhouette or a blur.

And then it's gone. But fret no more.

The Warbler Guide will enable you to identify a warbler with limited information and teach you what's important to focus on for species identification.

Introduction of The Warbler Guide and Summary of Features


  • Includes all 56 warbler species in the U.S. and Canada
  • Over 1,000 stunning color photos, an average of 18 photos per warbler taken at multiple viewing angles, including flight shots
  • Identification remarks to narrow down species ID from silhouettes, color impression and tail pattern
  • Quick reference icons for range, preferred habitat and behaviors
  • Sonograms for an easier way to learn bird songs, especially between similar species
  • Detailed distribution maps
  • Complete aging and sexing descriptions
  • Confusing fall warblers
  • Regional plumage variations
  • General tips on what to notice on a warbler, how to listen to warbler songs, learning chip and flight calls
  • And much, much more!

Quick Reference Icons

At the top of the ID page for each species, there is a single row of icons  for silhouette, color, undertail, range, habitat and unique behaviors. This helps for narrowing down choices for quicker identification.

warbler identification icons for silhouettes, color and tail

Identification From Below - Yes, of Course!

How many times do you see only the underside of a warbler that's high above you? Well they have it covered with undertail covert comparisons, tail patterns from underneath, belly colors and even feather color around the vent. Below is one example of eastern warbler undertails.

identifying warblers by undertail covert colors and patterns

Lots of Photos and Details

Below is an example of just two of the pages for male American Redstart identification. It includes photos in many different angles, close-ups and even in-flight photos of the bird. 

Each species account includes silhouette, color pattern, undertail color and pattern, range, habitat and behavior icons for quick reference; distinctive views, additional photos, comparison species, aging and sexing, range map, song description and sonograms.

american redstart identification from warlber guide

Song ID with Sonograms

Included are detailed descriptions of each species songs and call notes along with sonograms (audio spectrograms).

Don't worry if you don't know how to interpret these.

The book gives a thorough explanation of how to use them. And once you do learn how to use them, they will help you learn and identify warbler songs in the field much more easily.

american redstart song sonogram for warbler id

Many Gushing Reviews by Birders

I've never seen so many birders drool over a new field guide like this one. Here are some of the reviews:

Flexibound & Kindle Format with Audio Guide Companion Available

You can purchase The Warbler Guide in flexibound book and/or Kindle Format. 

FYI, you do not have to own a Kindle in order to use the electronic version. There are free Kindle apps that allow you to view it on your mobile devices (iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows), iPad, Android or Windows tablet, on your PC or Mac or simply in your browser.

I prefer the real book version myself, but note it is larger than your average field guide. So if you don't like carrying large field guides around, you may prefer the Kindle version. 

There is also a Song and Call Companion audio guide available from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Macaulay Library that is  presented in the exact page-by-page order as they occur in the book. It costs $5.99 which I think is a steal.

When you click over to Amazon, you can view inside the book to see more details.

the warbler guide book

==> View The Warbler Guide Now!

This field guide would be great to use in your own local area, but also especially useful on birding trips to new locations.

I know I would have loved to have this book when guiding birding trips in dense spruce-fir forests in Maine.

The warblers were always the most difficult and sometimes frustrating birds for people to ID.

It would have been nice to have The Warbler Guide as another resource for showing people what to look for.

Likewise, this book can help you when your birding buddies say, "All I saw was..." and you reply, "No problem. Let's take a look at my Warbler Guide!" :-)

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